By The Eva Monkey on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006
I may at some point have mentioned that I haven’t had a proper summer vacation for some time now. I don’t think I need to tell you that college absorbs free time the way a sponge absorbs water, blood, urine, or any combination of the three. Today marked the last leg of the academic side of the semester. I finished off classes today and am now free from the hardship and oppression of academia. I still need to finish moving out of my dorm, take care of a few loose ends, and swing by graduation. Aside from that, it’s over. And that means one thing. Free time for this website. I haven’t really worked on it for quite some time, and I cringe at the various states of disrepair that the site is in. I think I’ll systematically go through the entire site and revise the content, and then reintegrate everything into a consistent format. At some point, I’ll relocate and restore the forums. And yes, it is silly that I’ve not gotten the forums back up since the crash in late February. Just hope that I find a sexy new laptop sooner rather than later. Better yet, help me out. I’m looking for a new laptop (Toshiba preferably) under $1000 (on sale or with rebate), minimum 1 ghz processing speed, minimum 256 meg memory, and minimum 40 gig hd. If you’ve got free time and are a major computer nerd who’s always on the prowl for a deal and you see something, shoot me an email. The sooner I get a new lappy, the sooner you get lots of a cool Eva geekery.