Evangelion 3.33 released on DVD and Blu-ray

By The Eva Monkey on Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 in Evangelion 3.0, Merchandise, Rebuild of Evangelion.

Evangelion 3.33 has been released in Japan on DVD and Blu-ray. There’s still a ways to go before domestic versions become available, however for those of us who partake in fansubs, we can finally enjoy the film in proper high quality goodness.  As of writing this I haven’t checked, however I expect raws are popping […]

Two more reasons why I hate Japan.

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, April 22nd, 2013 in Evangelion 3.0, Merchandise, Rebuild of Evangelion.

Just the other day, I was thinking to myself, “I should post something to my site”.  At the time, I was thinking of something along the lines of a helpful resource or guide (not what you are seeing instead).  Not much later afterwards, two links floated their way over to me saying: “please, click on […]

Evangelion and Horse Racing fans rejoice!

By The Eva Monkey on Sunday, October 21st, 2012 in Evangelion 3.0, Rebuild of Evangelion, Video.

Either we’re beginning to see the full force of the blitzkrieg of promotion for Evangelion 3.0, or there’s some huge cross section of Evangelion and Horse Racing fans in Japan that I’m completely unaware of.  At any rate, there are two ads that involve this weird Eva Unit-01/Horse hybrid thing called “Eva-Impact”, whose origin is […]

Evangelion 3.0 teaser trailer on Niconico

By The Eva Monkey on Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 in Evangelion 3.0, Rebuild of Evangelion, Video.

I may have spoken too soon about the lack of footage from Evangelion 3.0.  I also kind of wish the eva-nets was like tumblr so I can just hit reblog and be done.  At any rate, if you haven’t heard via EvaGeeks, Niconico did some sort of site update cross-promotion thing where they unveiled some […]

Dear Newtype, I am disappoint.

By The Eva Monkey on Sunday, May 15th, 2011 in Evangelion 3.0, Rebuild of Evangelion.

It seems our excitement over the June issue of Newtype and it’s Studio Khara feature was a bit premature.  LIwarriorTKD, a user on Eva Geeks who is currently living in Kyoto, got his hands on the new issue and has been translating and posting little bits of information for us, as well as some photos […]