New Live Action Evangelion Info

By The Eva Monkey on Friday, January 2nd, 2004 in Live Action Evangelion, News.

Ok, the scan I previously posted was one of two concept images that ran in Anime Invasion/Anime Insider, or whatever that magazine is called these days. The other image is very similar to the other hanger image, only it features two Evas, one that looked like it was still in development, and another one that […]

Fake Live Action Evangelion Poster

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, December 22nd, 2003 in Fandom, Live Action Evangelion.

I came across this really random spoof poster someone made for the Live Action Evangelion movie… and not even a very good one at that. It has spelling errors and the quality is just terrible as it is. But… it could be seen as funny, amusing, and so forth, so I will offer it up […]

Evangelion Panel at Otakon 2003

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, August 11th, 2003 in Conventions, Eva Monkey, Live Action Evangelion, Personal.

I just got back from Otakon, and the Evangelion panel went very well. I got somewhere in the neck of 100-150 attendees. I also managed to get onto a web design panel, that was cool too. The Eva panel was almost delayed due to the Japanese dress panel that went over time…. all the way […]

Hideaki Anno enthused about Live Action Evangelion

By The Eva Monkey on Friday, July 4th, 2003 in Live Action Evangelion, News.

Anime Tourist reports from Fanime about ADV’s Live Action Eva Project: This Exerpt from the July issue of Newtype USA: (Concerning the live action Evangelion project) Neon Genesis Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno is enthused about the project, “Evangelion was created with a very Japanese sensibility,” said Anno. “In the live-action version, though, I suggested […]

ADV Films Announces Live-Action Evangelion Movie

By The Eva Monkey on Tuesday, May 20th, 2003 in Live Action Evangelion, News.

Just in, ADV has announced a joint project between itself, Gainax, and WETA studios to produce a live action Evangelion film. The details are scarce, but check the press release to read more. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ADV FILMS ANNOUNCES LIVE-ACTION THEATRICAL VERSION OF JAPANESE ANIMATED TITLE “NEON GENESIS EVANGELION;” VISUAL EFFECTS BY “LORD OF THE […]