Evangelion versus Invader Zim

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, August 13th, 2007 in Fandom, Neon Genesis Evangelion.

This is something that has been mentioned in the past, but I was watching the Hamstergeddon episode the other night, and felt the compulsion to rip the footage and make a side by comparison. Weird right? Of all the things to post about, I chose something completely random. I’ll get around to posting something of […]

YouTube has invaded my life.

By The Eva Monkey on Sunday, October 8th, 2006 in Eva Monkey, Eva Monkey Videos, Fandom, Personal, Video.

The following video is a self portrait I produced for my video production class. The goal of the assignment was to create a self portrait or diary in the form of a visual collage that didn’t utilize any footage of my physical self. I cheated a little bit with the YouTube video from the Otakon […]

Evangelion: Instrumental Extras

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, May 22nd, 2006 in AMVs, Fandom, Video.

There have been numerous releases of Evangelion over the years, and almost all of the releases outside of Japan have boasted very poor extras. While it is not necessary, the rise of DVD culture practically mandates that distributors do everything they can to give you your money’s worth. Companies such as ADV Films and Manga […]

Evangelion Doujinshi Fighter Found!

By The Eva Monkey on Sunday, March 26th, 2006 in Fandom, Video Games.

Thanks go out to kinglear for providing an archive of the Evangelion doujinshi fighting game that was sought after for a number of months back. I’ve installed it and can verify that it does indeed work, but I cannot verify the integrity of the package at all. Install and run it at your own risk. […]

Have I gone crazy?

By The Eva Monkey on Saturday, September 24th, 2005 in Fandom.

There are times when I’m not quite sure, but I think I may have lost my sanity. And if I knew better, I would pick up the phone, place a call to the crazy house, and ask them to please lock me up. But, I digress. For some strange reason, I’ve become addicted to You […]

Eva Comics Updates

By The Eva Monkey on Sunday, August 28th, 2005 in Fandom, Manga.

Eva Comics is back, with two new strips for your consumption. And for those new to the comic interested in learning a little bit more about it, there is this recently published article as well as this interview I conducted a while ago. Eva Comics is a bit more light hearted fare than what you […]

Bruce Timm Fan Art

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, August 1st, 2005 in Fan Art, Fandom.

When boredom strikes, I post random stuff on Eva Monkey. I came across these illustrations by Bruce Timm, who you may know from his work on such shows as Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Justice League, and more. He also does quite a bit of fan art, so I present […]

Chugworth Academy

By The Eva Monkey on Sunday, July 31st, 2005 in Fandom.

Don’t ask, I only find this stuff. I’m amused that the book in first two panels is for Otakon 2005 where I’ll be hosting my next Evangelion panel. It’s good to see that I’m not the one getting excited and geared up for the convention this year. If you happen to live a stone’s throw […]

The Commentary’s New Home!

By The Eva Monkey on Monday, June 20th, 2005 in Fandom.

Over a year ago, I (with the support of my minions over at the AnimeNation Eva Forum) started an audacious ‘Fan-Geeks Commentary Project’ for this convoluted anime. Eager to employ tons of unused bandwidth (and get some additional site content, I imagine ;;>), Monkey stepped in to provide some badly-needed industrial-strength hosting. It was well […]

Evangelion Doujinshi Fighter

By The Eva Monkey on Wednesday, June 15th, 2005 in Fandom, Video Games.

I recently became aware of the fact that there is such a thing as a “doujinshi” fighter. A doujinshi fighter being a fighting game that is fan produced, often featuring the characters of a particular anime series. A good example of a doujinshi fighter would be Melty Blood, a doujinshi fighter predominately featuring characters from […]