By The Eva Monkey
on Wednesday, March 30th, 2011 in Conventions.
My 2011 panels offering continues forward with Tekkoshocon this weekend. I’m looking forward to coming back for my second year, so drop by and say hello to me. In addition to hosting several panels that are relevant to your interests, I’ll be staffing in the panels department once again. Serving as my wing-man and co-panelist […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 in Conventions.
This weekend, I will be paneling at Katsucon, a convention which holds special significance to me, because it’s where I hosted my first panel, an Evangelion panel, back in 2003. It was on a Sunday morning. There was a bilzzard. There was a “structural emergency” in the rear of the building. But the show went […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Thursday, January 27th, 2011 in Conventions.
My convention schedule is off to an earlier start than usual this year. I’m off to Columbus for Ohayocon 2011. I managed to secure four panels, which is a first for me. Two of these panels are Evangelion related, so if you’re planning on being there, please drop by and say hello. Friday – 2:30-3:30 […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010 in Conventions.
Believe it or not, the last time I went to an Evangelion panel at an anime convention as a regular attendee was way back in 2002, before I had even begun this website. Usually, I’m either hosting, or co-hosting, otherwise I just am not able to get to them. This has been the case at […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010 in Conventions.
It came together very last minute, but I managed to find my way onto the ballot at Anime USA this year. I missed the deadline by a few days and was on the wait list until just the other day. I’m pleased to see that there are actually several Evangelion panels over the course of […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Thursday, July 26th, 2007 in Conventions, Eva Monkey.
By The Eva Monkey
on Friday, April 28th, 2006 in Conventions, Live Action Evangelion, Video.
I watched this video of a panel from Tekkoshocon, and I’m surprised to say that the word on the Live Action Evangelion Project seems pretty good. I’ve had severe hesitations, and have on more than one occasion acted as a sort of harbinger of doom in regards to the project, convinced that there is no […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Thursday, August 11th, 2005 in Conventions.
To reiterate, I will be hosting a Tenth Anniversary of Evangelion panel at Otakon 2005. Joining me this year are Reichu of the Eva Commentary Project, and Otaprince of Gainax Pages. We’ll be sure to put on a good program for those in attendance, so if you’re making it out to Baltimore this year, we’ll […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Thursday, June 2nd, 2005 in Audio, Conventions, Fandom, Music.
This past weekend there was a Neon Genesis Evangelion musical at Animazement. It was written by Phil Lee and directed by Heather Walker, and was performed by the Carolina Otaku Uprising. There are extensive photos of the performance on A Fan’s View, if you happen to be interested. Further info such as cast, crew, script, […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Thursday, May 26th, 2005 in Conventions.
I’m quite happy to announce that I will once again be hosting the Evangelion Panel at Otakon. If you happen to be an anime fan within the Baltimore area, or happen to have the means to come out and spend a weekend at the Baltimore Convention Center, then seriously take some consideration into attending Otakon […]