By The Eva Monkey
on Monday, July 11th, 2005 in Rumors.
The rumor mill just dropped a hell of a bomb: EVA PREQUEL (maybe) IN THE WORKS! According to inside information from a friend who has direct dealings with Gainax, Gainax has drawn up plans for an Eva prequel covering the pre-SI, SI, Gehirn, and early NERV periods up to the start of the TV series. […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Monday, July 11th, 2005 in Merchandise, Reviews.
Memoirs of madness Yasuhiro Takeda reveals the secrets of a world-famous anime production studio in this tell-all account of the horrors and hopes that accompanied GAINAX’s rise to fame. From beginners’ luck to the edge of defeat, this journey through the life and mind of one witness sheds light on the production of Neon Genesis […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Wednesday, July 6th, 2005 in Angelic Days, Manga, News.
source: Anime on DVD Edit by Aaron: The Anime on DVD article is a bit vague due to it’s wording, I would recommend the Anime News Network report:
By The Eva Monkey
on Monday, June 20th, 2005 in Fandom.
Over a year ago, I (with the support of my minions over at the AnimeNation Eva Forum) started an audacious ‘Fan-Geeks Commentary Project’ for this convoluted anime. Eager to employ tons of unused bandwidth (and get some additional site content, I imagine ;;>), Monkey stepped in to provide some badly-needed industrial-strength hosting. It was well […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Friday, June 17th, 2005 in Ikari Shinji Ikusei Keikaku (manga), Manga.
The scanlation group AT Translations has released the first stage of the new Ikari Shinji Ikusei Keikaku Manga. For those unfamiliar with the Ikusei Keikaku series, lets delve into it a bit shall we? Ikusei Keikaku means something along the lines of “Raising Project”, and is a series of games that are based around the […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Wednesday, June 15th, 2005 in Fandom, Video Games.
I recently became aware of the fact that there is such a thing as a “doujinshi” fighter. A doujinshi fighter being a fighting game that is fan produced, often featuring the characters of a particular anime series. A good example of a doujinshi fighter would be Melty Blood, a doujinshi fighter predominately featuring characters from […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Sunday, June 12th, 2005 in Uncategorized.
Newtype: What’s evolved in the world of animation these 20 last years? Anno Hideaki: The first time I encountered Newtype, I was working for Gainax on the pilot film for Wings of Honneamise. I had the occasion to read it in the studio. In the beginning, I had a hard time determining the principal subject […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Tuesday, June 7th, 2005 in Video Games.
Hey, kids! Monkey insisted on imbuing me with more power, so here I am with a little bit of “news”. I recently got my grimy meat hooks on the NGE dating sim, “Iron Maiden 2nd”, more commonly known as “Girlfriend of Steel 2”. And, while it was an exponential waste of time, it has yielded […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Saturday, June 4th, 2005 in Fandom, Video Games.
Over the last couple of years, I’ve seen a number of groups state their intention to create an Evangelion mod for a PC FPS. Most notably EvaMod and Evarena. It’s good to see that Evarena finally succeeded in getting their project to demo phase, and it looks pretty good. Good enough that I’m dissapointed that […]
By The Eva Monkey
on Thursday, June 2nd, 2005 in Audio, Conventions, Fandom, Music.
This past weekend there was a Neon Genesis Evangelion musical at Animazement. It was written by Phil Lee and directed by Heather Walker, and was performed by the Carolina Otaku Uprising. There are extensive photos of the performance on A Fan’s View, if you happen to be interested. Further info such as cast, crew, script, […]